We are early June, the fog-season has arrived in the shanty towns of Lima. From now until October, the families will barely see the sun. Instead, they will be surrounded by fog. This is a very dangerous season for the children: the rocks are very slippery, they often can’t see for more than a few meters and they are constantly wet because of the high humidity levels. Many children sleep on the ground, the lucky ones on a mattress, most of them on a thin layer of linen, clothes or plastic.
This year’s fog-season will be worse than the other years. Malnutrition from the last 2 months has weakened their immune system and the COVID19 virus is not under control yet. There is a big need for food, shoes and for warm clothes.
We need to double our efforts and bring food to as many communities as possible. Via their “olla comuns” (community kitchens), local ladies will prepare a hot meal and share it with the children and the weakest people. At the same time, whenever we can, we’ll bring shoes, blankets, warm clothes,… donated by people in Lima city.
These are bizarre times for many of us. There is a lot of negativity going around. We are positive people. We believe that together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many children. Please be the difference and consider making a donation. If you’re in Lima and you have some spare clothes, shoes or blankets, let us know and we’ll arrange for a pick up. Your help is needed, now more than ever.
Thank you, on behalf of the children and their families.
Children of Lima. Saving lives. Bringing hope. Together.