
"Tout le monde gagne" - Notre responsabilité

(Extract from the book “Everybody wins”, by Bart Cools and Bruno Rouffaer) Most of us have reached a level of prosperity where our happiness no longer rises proportionally to the growth of our material possessions. Prosperity contributes to our happiness, but not infinitely. However, we can further increase our well-being by sharing our wealth with […]

"Tout le monde gagne" - Le cycle de la pauvreté

(Extract from the book “Everybody wins”, by Bart Cools and Bruno Rouffaer) Living in extreme poverty means not being able to afford a doctor or medical treatment. It means no electricity, limited shelter, and often little to no food on the table. For young children, inadequate nutrition leads to growth retardation with lasting effects on […]

"Tout le monde gagne" - Quel est votre perspectif?

(Extract from the book “Everybody wins”, by Bart Cools and Bruno Rouffaer) Through the lens of someone living in a “rich” country, the perception of life for people living in extreme poverty is usually distorted. Low-income countries are much more developed than most people think. And far fewer people live there than most of us […]

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